Lauren B. Olson

REALTOR®, 50+ SRES, CPRES, ABR, NHCB, GRI, CDPE, B.S.B.A. Finance & Real Estate

Lauren lives in Grapevine with her husband of 30+ years. She is an Ambassador for the Grapevine Chamber of Commerce and enjoys volunteering in the community.

Lauren studied Finance & Real Estate in college and has done just about everything from helping clients avoid foreclosure to helping people invest in real estate to developing land and renovating properties. However, her focus for the last few years has been building relationships in the senior care community. She finds purpose in helping empty-nesters with any of their real estate needs including taking care of their parents needs.

Lauren enjoys traveling, learning languages and attending Pilates classes. She loves to visit her children as often as possible and bakes for her friends.


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